Percentage Calculator

Reverse Percentage

Percentage Increase/Decrease

Percentage by Marks/Values

Effortlessly Master Percentages with Our Free Online Percentage Calculator!


From calculating discounts and sales tax to figuring out tips and markups, percentages are essential in everyday life. Our user-friendly percentage calculator tackles these tasks with ease, saving you time and ensuring accuracy.

Understanding Percentages:

A percentage represents a part of a whole expressed as a hundredth (1/100th). This calculator helps you perform various operations involving percentages.

What Our Percentage Calculator Can Do:

  • Find a Percentage of a Number: Enter a number (the whole) and a percentage, and the calculator will determine the corresponding value that makes up that percentage of the whole. (e.g., finding a 15% tip on a restaurant bill)
  • What Percent is a Number of Another Number: This function helps you determine what percentage one number represents of another. (e.g., finding out what percentage a sale price is of the original price)
  • Add or Subtract Percentages: Calculate the combined effect of multiple percentages. (e.g., figuring out the total discount with a sales tax added on top)
  • Increase/Decrease by a Percentage: See how a percentage change impacts a value. (e.g., calculating a price increase by a specific percentage)

How to Use Our Percentage Calculator:

  1. Select your desired function: Choose what you want to calculate (percentage of a number, what percent is a number, etc.).
  2. Enter your values: Depending on the function, you’ll input numbers and percentages.
  3. Click “Calculate.”

Understanding Your Results:

The calculator will display the answer to your percentage query in a clear and easy-to-understand format.

Additional Features (Optional):

  • Include a short explanation of different percentage concepts (e.g., markup vs. margin).

Boost Your Math Confidence with Our Percentage Calculator:

This free tool empowers you to tackle percentage problems with ease. No more confusion or manual calculations!

Call to Action:

Master percentages with our free online calculator! Whether you’re shopping, budgeting, or solving math problems, this versatile tool simplifies your calculations and builds your confidence.